Why Remove Old Attic Insulation?

Why Remove Old Attic Insulation

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Reasons For Attic Insulation Removal

The thickness of attic insulation is known as R-value. The R-value of attic insulation provides for the effortless operation of the home heating and cooling system. Over time, R-value thickness begins to deteriorate, resulting in an inability to sustain a steady home warmth or coolness in the extreme temperatures of summer and winter. The failure to maintain a stable home temperature makes it imperative to call the licensed professionals at Master Attic, LLC, to investigate and evaluate the possible need for attic insulation removal and the installation of new attic insulation.

Greater energy efficiency and improved home value is the most common reason for homeowners choosing to have attic insulation removed! In addition to removing old, worn attic insulation to enhance the function of the home heating and cooling system, many homeowners upgrade to the more efficient, eco-friendly, fire-retardant fiberglass insulation! Fiberglass traps the air flow of heat to keep the home environment warmer during winter and cooler in summer and reduces attic condensation.

The other reasons for attic insulation removal include the following:

Personal Health:

Asbestos insulation was the material of choice for home construction before the 1990s. Asbestos was resistant to heat, electricity, and corrosion and was a good choice. Medical research soon discovered that asbestos exposure was the cause of non-cancerous and cancerous ailments of the lung, colon, and kidneys. The only insulation that has the possibility of containing asbestos is a material known as vermiculite insulation. Vermiculite insulation will require testing to see if it does indeed contain asbestos. If the test comes back negative for asbestos, Master Attic technicians can remove the vermiculite insulation as any other attic insulation material is removed, with a  high-powered commercial vacuum. If the test is positive, the asbestos must be removed by an asbestos removal company. 

Mildew And Mold:

If a musty odor lingers in a home, the problem may emanate from excessive moisture, mold, and mildew on attic insulation. Extreme moisture results from humid climates, leaking heating and cooling systems, roof leaks, or condensation forming on the insulation because of inadequate attic vents. Attic insulation removal is critical when mold and mildew are found to avoid varied allergic reactions and breathing difficulties.

Animal Infestation:

Commonly found in both older and newer homes when the home builder is not precise in measuring, and the home’s shingles, clapboard panels, or vinyl siding does not fit securely at the corners of the home structure. The tiniest opening is all that is needed for attic inhabitants such as squirrels, mice, rats, bats, and a variety of insects, wasps, hornets, and termites to enter and establish a nesting spot or escape the hot or cold temperatures outside. Home contractors may also inadvertently leave gaps between wires and pipes that entice the curiosity of such ‘critters.’ Such creatures damage not only the attic but also the attic insulation. Even when there is no visible damage to insulation, attic insulation removal is essential to eliminate the ‘droppings’ that carry disease.

The Process Of Attic Insulation Removal

Insulation Examination

Master Attic, LLC will first examine the attic to determine the type of insulation to be removed: batt and roll, otherwise known as blanket insulation, is usually fiberglass but also composed of such material as mineral wool, plastic fibers, cotton, or sheep’s wool. The loose and lumpy blown-in insulation is made from cellulose, fiberglass, rock, or mineral wool. Rigid surface attic insulation is usually composed of spray foam. There is also the possibility of blown-in insulation atop batt and roll insulation.

Insulation Evaluation

The next step involves evaluating the insulation for contaminants. As previously stated, older homes may contain an insulation material known as vermiculite, which may contain asbestos. Asbestos in insulation requires immediate removal by an asbestos removal firm. 

Insulation Removal

Master Attic, LLC licensed technicians always prioritize safety! Our technicians wear protective clothing, heavy gloves, goggles, masks, or respirators. Master Attic, LLC also protects homeowners from insulation particles by using a high-powered, large-capacity commercial vacuum. The vacuum is placed outside the house, with a long pipe attached to the vacuum going into the attic window to pull the insulation, dust, and debris directly into the outside vacuum. Attic insulation, dust, and debris will never enter the house! Larger pieces of attic insulation, such as batting insulation, are rolled and tied securely into bags inside the home attic space and removed from the home in sealed bags. The bagged insulation is then disposed of in accordance with local regulations. 

Happily ‘Ever Rafter!’

Enjoy again that ‘heavenly paradise,’ just below the roofline, where the past is ‘miraculously’ brought back to the present through memories! Memories of grandma’s rocking chair, rotary telephones, record players, and vinyl records. The memories retained in the ‘priceless’ photos of family past and present, dried corsages; still holding a ‘scent’-iment, if not the original fragrance, and 20th Century fashions of wide-width ties, bright and bold skirts, shirts, and tie-dyed tees typical of the mid-1960s, peasant tops of the 1970s, stirrups and spandex of the 1980s. The newspapers and magazines with such historic headlines as: ‘John Glenn Orbits The Earth,’ ‘Neil Armstrong Walks On Moon,’ ‘Berlin Wall Comes Down,’ ‘Oral Polio Vaccine Developed,’ and ‘DisneyWorld Opens’ also found. 

AHHH, yes, while the attic memories testify that life is eternal, the attic insulation found within the attic rafters, walls, and floors, unfortunately, is not! Contact Master Attic, LLC, the attic and crawlspace restoration experts with over twenty years of experience serving residents in New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania! We provide free estimates of the cost of attic insulation removal, raccoon removal, and rodent-proofing your attic or crawlspace!

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