Squirrels in Attic Removal

Do you hear little feet running around your attic? This might be squirrels creating a home in your attic. These pesky little rodents are clever, fast, and sneaky critters. Once they are indoors, they can become an insurance or even dangerous to your family. So, how do you get the squirrels in your attic removed?

In many cases, squirrels head right to your attic because attics tend to be dark, warm, and dry, the perfect location to create a home. When squirrels get inside, they can make it difficult for you to eradicate them, making sure they don’t come back; therefore, we recommend that you contact a trained professional to remove the squirrels from your attics.

In our blog, we’ll discuss how to spot signs of a squirrel problem, why they’re attracted to attics, how to begin squirrel removal, and why you should contact a professional to do the job. 

Squirrels in Attic Removal

Table of Contents

Signs You’ve Encountered a Squirrel Problem in Your Attic

Here are some signs that you may have a squirrel problem in your attic. 

You Hear Unusual Noises In Your Attic

When you have squirrels in your attic, you may begin to notice unusual sounds. Listen out for loud noises in the early mornings and at dusk. Squirrels are one of the few animals that aren’t nocturnal, so they sleep at night when we do. 

Foul Odors Throughout Your Home

If you notice foul odors in your home, this might be from squirrel urine, which is very potent and can travel through your walls and vents. In many cases, squirrels can become stuck inside, which can cause an even more pungent odor. If you begin to notice foul odors, this could mean you have squirrels in your attic.

You Notice Damage to Your Home

Squirrels are known chewers with sharp teeth, which can chew through almost anything. Check your attic and inspect your insulation, support beams, wires, and attic vents. If you find chewed-up materials in your attic, or black droppings, you most likely have squirrels present, (especially if you see holes forming in the ceiling from the bedrooms under the attic). On the exterior of the home, if you notice damaged soffits, clawed-on molding, or any holes in or around the corner of the roof, you may have a rodent infestation as well. 

You See Squirrel Nests

To get into your attic, squirrels use your insulation to build their nests. You’ll want to look for damaged insulation, dirt, and debris. When squirrels make their homes, they bring goods and food to build their nests. You may find seeds, acorns, and hay in or around nesting areas. 

You Notice Squirrel Droppings

If you notice droppings in your attic, you most likely have squirrels in your attic. Look for scattered droppings, as feces are dangerous to homeowners since they’re ridden with bacteria. In this case, you’ll want to contact trained personnel for squirrel removal services. 

Why are Squirrels Attracted to Attics?

As homebuyers, specific points attract us to the home when we’re looking to purchase a home. You and other homeowners might be attracted to the community, the garage, quiet neighbors, etc. Squirrels have the same instincts as humans when seeking out their next home.

Squirrels are attracted to attics in residential areas because of their convenient access and ability to provide a home, shelter, and safety. Attics also have abundant materials to help squirrels survive in the winter. Yes, squirrels bring in outside materials to build their nests; however, they’ll also use your attic insulation

How to Begin Attic Squirrel Removal

Here are some ways you can remove squirrels from your attic.

Find & Seal Your Entry Points

Squirrels can fit through tiny holes, so you’ll want to check areas with openings by siding, pipes, and around your windows and doors. To seal entry points. 

Another common entry point for squirrels is through vents, to ensure you accurately seal your entry points, it’s best to contact a trained professional who uses the best tools and techniques to complete this process.

Check Your Chimney

Squirrels also love to enter your attic through your chimney to protect themselves from the cold and to find shelter. You might even have a squirrel nest inside if you haven’t used your chimney in a long time.

 Install chimney caps to keep squirrels from climbing down your chimney. If you hear squirrels already inside your chimney, start making a lot of noise to encourage them to exit through the top. You can also hang down a rope to enable them to climb out.

Check Your Trees

Squirrels are known to be the best climbers, so you can always find them racing around trees. If you have trees surrounding your home, they can quickly enter your attic. Inspect the trees around your home to see if you have any branches six feet within your home.

If you do, consider giving these branches a trim. Do this with every tree within jumping distance so squirrels cannot enter your attic. 

Call Master Attic Today for Attic Squirrel Removal Services

It may seem chaotic when you have squirrels in your attic, especially if they’ve already made a home and have babies roaming around. Squirrels are known to cause severe damage to your attic, leaving behind feces, chewed structural damage, chewed sheetrock ceilings, chewed wires, and even damage to your attic insulation.

At Master Attic, when you schedule our squirrel removal service, our experts will:

  • Look for entry points.
  • Remove squirrels from your attic and return them to their natural habitat
  • Seal entry points
  • Perform an attic remediation
  • Remove droppings and scent
  • Replace damaged insulation

If you have squirrels in your attic, contact our professionals as soon as possible to receive a free estimate.

Frequently Asked Questions

Squirrels are attracted to attics because they are dark, warm, dry, and the perfect place to create their nests.

If you have a squirrel in your attic, you might hear scratching noises, notice foul odors, see nests, or see feces.

To remove a squirrel from your attic, contact a trained professional who can remove and return squirrels to their natural habitat and properly find a close entry point while eliminating their nesting areas.

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